Jason Becker
Full Name: Jason Becker
Official Website: JasonBecker.com
Group Band Sebelumnya: David Lee Roth & Cacophony
Guitar: Hurricane & Carvin
Place / Date of Birth: 22 July
Influence: W.A. Mozart, Marty Friedman, Eddie Van Halen, Bob Dylan, Andreas Segovia and Niccolo Paganini.
Expertise: Classical, Sweep Arpeggio, Japanese Scale, Blues, Whammy Bar, etc..
Jason Becker was a child prodigy who can master the guitar very well in a short time (4 years) and at a very young age: 16 years (1987). If you hear of Jason's work, you will feel as if Mozart and Bach live again with such a young age. Jason can easily create classical compositions that are complex (more complicated than the work of guitarist Yngwie or other) and play it very fast and good clean electric guitar and classical guitar (guitar holes). Of the many guitar shredder Jason Becker was the best in classical composition.
Too bad God did not allow Jason to play guitar any longer, Jason had to lose all his ability at the age of 19 years (in 1990) since the disease ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig) which causes total paralysis Jason. Jason organs die year after year, until now Jason was only able to move his eyes. Whereas a few years before Jason was able mengerakkan his left finger and writing songs through the computer and producing the album "Perspective".
Jason plans to write songs again using a Macintosh computer technology, in which Jason can move the computer mouse with eye movements. Maybe this is history in which a guitarist can write a song with her movement. You can imagine how talented Jason and Jason's how high the spirit of his music writing!
From the beginning of his career to date Jason's family is not from families that can afford it, so that the father had to paint and sell his paintings to works bear the cost of Jason's treatment. For those of you who love to play Jason, can donate funds in JasonBecker.com.
Since Jason Small, his father was a fan of Bob Dylan's most affecting music Jason. Jason's father and uncle Jason is also a classical guitar player is good, so Jason mastered the classic game of Segovia. Jason was always playing classical music, Jason has a book Niccolo Paganini Caprice 24 and always use it as an exercise.
Jason received acoustic / electric Takamine guitar first from his father at the age of 12 years, he performed for schools and other schools. At the age of 13 years, school teacher Jason was impressed with Jason's game and talent, and then asked him to leads a Jazz Ensemble.
Just at the age of 14 years Jason spent all his time to practice and draw on her own musical compositions. At that time, Jason also had a chance to learn techniques that the arpeggios with Dave Creamer.
At the age of 16 years, Jason's games and techniques have reached a very high level. Finally, Jason tried to send a 45 minute demo tape to producer Mike Varney (Shrapnel Records boss. Jason 2's played Niccolo Paganini (classical) and 2 blues. Most of the recording was improvised in a simple chord, but Jason played Counterpoint technique using volume of his guitar. According to Jason, this technique is a silly idea, but instead Mike Varney thought it was a brilliant idea.
Not long after Mike Varney discovered in a bar Marty Friedman, Jason was told to contact Marty. Jason finally came to Marty's house in San Francisco and playing (jamming) each day. They are very much playing the blues and always played music manyatukan harmony both of them. Marty & Jason learning from each other.
In the same year Marty Friedman and Jason Becker to form their first band group: "Cacophony" the shredder guitarist mengegerkan world. Their first album "Speed Metal Symphony" and the second album is "Go Off!". You can see how great their ability to combine the two colors of their music, Marty & Jason still can accompany each other and maintain the harmony of the game in high speed. Cacophony itself makes many concerts, especially in Japan, Jason demonstrated the game even in the song "Eruption" (Van Halen) is quite difficult to use his left hand and 1 other hand while playing a yoyo!
Marty & Jason is a compact, before the album "Go Off!" launched, they also release the pair of solo albums: Jason Becker solo album "Perpetual Burn" and Marty with a solo album, "Dragon's Kiss". After completing the tour "Go Off!", Marty & Jason decided to solo career and looking for a band that mangangkat their names. When "David Lee Roth" (ex-Van Halen) chose its new guitarist, Jason played so many Van Halen songs with her own style as Hot For Teacher, Yankee Rose and Skycraper (recordings can didenger JasonBacker.com official website).
Finally, Marty successfully elected as a thrash guitarist, a group of prestigious bands: "Megadeth" and he himself had chosen as a guitarist "David Lee Roth" (ex-Van Halen) replace the great guitarists: Steve Vai and Eddie Van Halen. Since it began Marty & Jason's name became large, prominent guitar magazines in the USA such as Guitar World, Guitar Practising Musician, Guitar Player and others praised their playing ability.
Along with David Lee Roth, Jason filled the main guitar on the album "A Little Is not Enough". Jason getting the spotlight of the world's guitar and began to tour with his band group David Lee Roth. At the age of 19 years, Jason recorded Bob Dylan's blues song "Meet Me In The Morning", Jason suddenly felt her right arm grew weaker and could barely move. Finally, this blues song played with whammy bar without using bending vibrato at all.
The weakness of the right hand caused him even Jason could not continue the tour with his band group David Lee Roth. No suspected after checked, Jason ALS disease that causes paralysis of all the nerves Jason stopped functioning. During 6 years Jason was paralyzed and could not play guitar anymore, only the left hand fingers can be moved. Jason was not able to walk, eat or speak.
Apparently miracles God is present, Jason, who was nearly paralyzed the work to write songs because of his left hand that still can move a computer mouse. That means that Jason wrote the song with her mind without touching his favorite guitar! Soon after Jason took out a second solo album titled "Perspective". Because Jason was not able to play his guitar on the album "Perspective" is, then the guitar was replaced by guitarist Jason country famous rock called "Michael Lee Firkins" assisted by other friends.
Although the album was written by Jason just thought it does not mean the quality does not work anymore. You can refer yourself by Jason very complicated in this album with the title "Seranna" and "End Of The Beginning". Each song reflects the spirit of (innerfire) Jason Becker to live / recover. Jason specifically written with the cover of his second album 'Perspective', that the disease can only be crippling ALS organ and voice but can not paralyze the mind and his music.
Year after year had passed, Jason's illness became worse and now Jason can move only his eyes. Jason was still hopeless, Jason's father decided to use Macintosh computers technology designed specifically for people with disabilities. By using this Macintosh device, Jason can move the computer mouse with the movement of his eyes! Planned third album will be written by Jason eye movements.
You can imagine how high the spirit of Jason's music stand. Lots of famous guitarists like Eddie Van Halen, Marty Friedman, Paul Gilbert, Vinnie Moore, etc that salute the struggle of Jason and visited his home. Finally one of Jason's fans to submit ideas Amy Becker (Jason's brother-in-law) to make an album tribute to Jason Becker. This idea turned out well, Jason's family contacted record companies are willing to tape this and sponsorin guitarists are willing to help this tribute album project.
Within 3 months, the label "" Lion Music "agreed. Marty Friedman as Jason's best friend and partner in the group Cacophony band's first guitarist who approved the idea of this tribute album.
It turns out unexpectedly, popular artists are willing to help following the recording of this tribute to volunteer: Eddie Van Halen, Marty Friedman, Paul Gilbert (ex-Mr.Big), Vinnie Moore, Kee Marcello (ex-Europe), Joe Lynn Turner (ex-Deep Purple), Neil Zaza, Anders Johansson (ex-Yngwie Malmsteen), Chris Poland (ex-Megadeth), Jeff Watson (ex-Night Ranger), Stephen Ross, James Byrd, Matt Bissonette, Mark Boals, Ron thal, Joy Basu, Alex Masi, Lars Eric Mattsson, James Kottak, Ron Keel, Ted Poley, Stevie Salas, Jeff Pilson,, Phantom Blue, etc..
This tribute album is finished and will be launched on the anniversary of Jason's date is 22 July 2001. This album can be perpetrated in order on the website: "" Lion Music "and the video making this album can be seen in http://www.angelfire.com/hi4/overandover/Jason.html
All profits made from this tribute album will be donated to Jason's family for medical expenses. Jason Becker is a legendary guitarist and pure inspiration for all guitarists!
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