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black eyed peas album the E.N.D

The Black Eyed Peas just released their latest, fifth album to mixed reviews, perhaps because some fans have now gotten away from the music of the BEP's and perhaps because they have gotten to listen to Fergie on her own, a few people were disappointed in this album, however it must be said that this seems to be some of their best collaborative work to date.

The new album brings us a familiar sound, with new dance tracks. Although there is a similarity in the sound you will not be disappointed as the lyrics can range from moving beats to just plain bizarre.

Their latest album, entitled The E.N.D. (which stands for Energy Never Dies) is full of fifteen tracks from hip hop to booty shaking. It provides more of a party tune then previous albums and will have everyone on the dance floors, even those who do not like to dance.

With so many great tracks on this album, there are sure to many top 40 hits just in time for the summer party season. You will most likely hear these songs while laying on your beach blanket, at the local pool or blaring from the car next to you at a stop light. If you have heard their first album release single Boom Boom Pow, you have only heard a sampling of what the album has to offer.

The energy, enthusiasm and intoxication of this group makes it difficult to believe that they anyone could think that this band was going anywhere but up, up, up. Their funky sounds stolen from music from the past and today, is what keeps the band so fresh with a constantly changing look and sound that keeps fans begging for more and more. A little quirky and a little odd, this album is all that you would expect from the Black Eyed Peas and more. If you have been a fan of their music, then you will be nothing but pleased with their latest and best work The E.N.D.

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